counter easy hit

برصغیر کا سب سے بڑا ریلوے ٹریک منصوبہ۔۔ جان کر آپ بھی حیران ہوجائیں گے ۔۔۔۔!

India is building world’s highest railway line.

A welcoming subject. Expansion of the railway networking connectivity from head to toe and from East to west. Absolutely boost the morale of the nation and help contribute to lift up bit further in terms of sociology economic status of the regions. It is not wise to scratch the same old wound and every time ask for medication. Pl change the negative attitude and mentality as I think that something new or for the fist time ventures should be given due admiration and good wishes in bringing with it a positive impact and can be a more beneficial to humanity. I pray and wish it have an early kick start and go for it


India is building the world’s highest railway line

India is building world's highest railway line.

Publiée par Indiatimes sur Vendredi 19 octobre 2018