By MH Kazmi on November 23, 2019 &, 09:21, 140, 2019, 21, A, and, assistants, Assistants Posted:, be, computer, dairy, department, Development, experience, filled, For, from, immediately, institution, Jobs, KPK, livestock, Nov, operators, PM, PST Livestock, qualification, recognized, relevant, required, Stenotypists, to, VETERINARY, work اشتھارات, ای پیپرز, خبریں

Livestock & Dairy Development Department KPK Jobs 2019 for 140+ Computer Operators, Stenotypists & Veterinary Assistants Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST Livestock & Dairy Development Department KPK Jobs 2019 for 140+ Computer Operators, Stenotypists & Veterinary Assistants to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience.. Post Views – […]
By MH Kazmi on September 4, 2019 &, 11, 2019, additional, Directorate, directors, districts, For, Jobs, livestock, multiple, Punjab اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Directorate Livestock Punjab Jobs 2019 for 11+ Directors & Additional Directors (Multiple Districts) 3 September, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 47
By MH Kazmi on August 22, 2019 &, 2019, 24, agriculture, AJK, assistants, department, driver, field, For, Irrigation, Jobs, livestock اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

AJK Agriculture, Livestock & Irrigation Department Jobs 2019 for 24+ Field Assistants & Driver 21 August, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 164
By MH Kazmi on July 24, 2019 &, 2019, Accounts, agriculture, and, Assistant, computer, department, Fisheries, For, Gilgit Baltistan, Jobs, livestock, officer, operators, posts اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries Department Gilgit-Baltistan Jobs 2019 for Computer Operators, Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Posts 23 July, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 56
By MH Kazmi on July 11, 2019 &, (BPS, 1-4), 2019, 395+, department, Fisheries, For, Jobs, livestock, posts, Sindh اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2019 For 395+ Posts (BPS 1-4) Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2019 for 395+ Posts (BPS 1-4) to be filled immediately in Karachi and other districts of Sindh. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply […]
By MH Kazmi on April 29, 2019 &, 158, 2019, Balochistan, department, For, Jobs, livestock, naib, Qasid, staff, support اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock Department Balochistan Jobs 2019 for 158+ Naib Qasid & Support Staff 26 April, 2019 Livestock Department Balochistan Jobs 2019 for 158+ Naib Qasid & Support Staff to be filled immediately. Required qualification from a recognized institution and relevant work experience requirement are as following. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply to the post in […]
By Web Editor on April 3, 2019 &, 2019, 39, AJK, and, assistants, dairy, Development, Electrician/Mechanics, For, Jobs, livestock, stock اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock & Dairy Development AJK Jobs 2019 for 39+ Stock Assistants and Electrician/Mechanics 2 April, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 107
By Web Editor on February 25, 2019 &, 2019, assistants, Board, dairy, Development, download, driver, field, For, form, Jobs, livestock, Manager, Operation, pakistan, posts, PTS, stock اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock & Dairy Development Board Pakistan Jobs 2019 for Stock Assistants, Field Operation Manager & Driver Posts (Download PTS Form) 25 February, 2019 Livestock & Dairy Development Board Pakistan Jobs 2019 for Stock Assistants, Field Operation Manager & Driver Posts to be filled immediately. PTS is conducting recruitment test for these posts and you can […]
By Web Editor on February 19, 2019 &, 15, 2019, agriculture, AJK, department, For, Jobs, livestock, officers, planning, publicity, Research اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Agriculture & Livestock Department AJK Jobs 2019 for 15+ Agriculture Officers, Research, Planning & Publicity Officers 19 February, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 54
By Web Editor on February 16, 2019 &, 2019, 27:, assistants, department, Fisheries, For, Jobs, livestock, Sindh, staff, stock, support اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2019 for 27+ Stock Assistants & Support Staff 15 February, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 25
By Web Editor on February 14, 2019 &, 13, 2019, categories, dairy, department, Development, For, Jobs, KP, livestock, multiple, posts اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

KP Livestock & Dairy Development Department Jobs 2019 for 13+ Posts (Multiple Categories) 9 February, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 42
By Web Editor on February 12, 2019 &, 2019, Assistant, dairy, department, Development, For, Jobs, livestock, Punjab, staff, support, Technician, VETERINARY اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Livestock & Dairy Development Department Punjab Jobs 2019 for Veterinary Assistant, Technician & Support Staff 8 February, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 161
By Web Editor on February 1, 2019 2019, and, Assistant, department, For, Jobs, livestock, Rawalpindi, Sanitary, VETERINARY, worker اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Rawalpindi Livestock Department Jobs 2019 for Veterinary Assistant and Sanitary Worker 1 February, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 78
By Web Editor on January 31, 2019 &, 2019, Assistant, department, districts, For, Jobs, livestock, multiple, Punjab, Technicians, VETERINARY اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Punjab Livestock Department Jobs 2019 for Veterinary Assistant & Technicians (Multiple Districts) 31 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 87
By Web Editor on January 30, 2019 &, 2019, Accounts, agriculture, and, Assistant, computer, Cooperatives, department, For, Jobs, KP, leader, livestock, Marketing, office, officer, Operator اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

KP Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperatives Department Jobs 2019 for Computer Operator, Office Assistant, Accounts Officer and Marketing Leader 30 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 65
By Web Editor on January 29, 2019 &, 2019, 5, Accounts, agriculture, and, assistants, computer, Cooperatives, department, For, Jobs, KP, livestock, Marketing, office, Operator اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperatives Department KP Jobs 2019 for 5+ Accounts, Marketing, Computer Operator and Office Assistants 27 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 44
By Web Editor on January 26, 2019 2019, and, Attendant, Bahawalpur, Cattle, cholistan, department, For, Jobs, livestock, staff, support اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Cholistan Livestock Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2019 for Cattle Attendant and Support Staff 26 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 73
By Web Editor on January 24, 2019 &, 200, 2019, Balochistan, categories, dairy, department, Development, For, Jobs, livestock, multiple, posts اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Balochistan Livestock & Dairy Development Department Jobs 2019 for 200+ Posts (Multiple Categories) 24 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 87
By Web Editor on January 15, 2019 &, 2019, 8, Assistant, dairy, department, Development, disable, estate, field, For, Jobs, KP, livestock, Manager, quota, staff, support اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

KP Livestock & Dairy Development Department Jobs 2019 for 8+ Assistant, Field Assistant, Estate Manager & Support Staff (Disable Quota) 15 January, 2019 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 48
By Web Editor on December 31, 2018 &, 2019, Balochistan, dairy, department, Development, For, Jobs, law, livestock, officer اسلام آباد, اشتھارات, اہم ترین, خبریں, سٹی نیوز, مقامی خبریں

Balochistan Livestock & Dairy Development Department Jobs 2019 for Law Officer 29 December, 2018 Post Views – پوسٹ کو دیکھا گیا: 59
By Web Editor on August 13, 2018 'finalised', 'Tube, 123movies, 158, 15th, 16, 2017, 2018, 22 Hidden, 26, 53%, 82, A, accountability, added, address, afridi, afterwards, age, Ahad, airbnb, Airlines, akhtar, ali, allots, allotted, also, Amazon, america, AMERICAN, Amir, and, Angela, Angelina, angry, aol, area, articles, as, Asad, assembly, assured, August, autozone, avanca, award, ayaz, Ayub, Baluchistan, Bank, Bath, BBC, be, because, bed, best, beyond, bing, birds, BNP, bogor, bollywood, bomb, buy, buyers, By, calculator, canada, candidate, cannot, capital, ceremony, Chair, chase, Chaudhry, Chewbacca, chief, chris, city's, clashes, classroom, Clinton, cnn, Comcast, commission, comprising, Constitution, consultation, costco, country, court, craigslist, credit, CRICINFO, Decide, decided, decides, degree, delegation, depot, Development, dictionary, DNA, do, docs, dominos, donald, Dr, drama,, drive, dropbox, dunya, dynamite, earlier, ebay, ECP, Eid, elected, election, Emmanuel, English, Erdgon, espn, etsy, evenfield, evening, exchange, expedia, Fabiha, Facebook, fake, Fakhar, fargo, Faryal, fateh, Fawad, fedex, film, followed, For, Forest, former, fox, Freight, gamestop, Geo, get, ghayle, Gmail, gold, goldsmith, google, government, groupon, had, hamid, Hania, harbor, has, he, held, Hillary, Holy, home, hotmail, hulu, HUM, hut, ikea, imdb, IMF, imran, in, inaugural, indeed, India, Indian, instagram, invited, is, Isfahani, islamabad, it, Javed, jcpenney, jehangir, Jemima, Jobs, johns, Jolie, journal, Jurassic, justin, kamran, Kapil, Kapoor, karma, kashmir, Khan, Khanzada, Khattak, Khurshid, khyber, Kingdom, kiss, kohls, kyhan, lady, leader, leaders, League-Nawaz, light, linkedin, livestock, lodhi, login, look, looto, lottery, Love, lowes, MACRON, macys, made, mail, Makhdoom, maliha, mamakroni, mapquest, maps, market Newly, mask, masood, massive, Me, meanwhile, media, Medical, meet, Mengal, Merkel, met, milania, minecraft, Minorities, Minority, mir, MNAs, Momina, moon, movie, movies, mp3, msn, Muslim, Mustehsan, NA, NA-131, Nadeem, name, National, Nations, Nawaz, Netflix, news, News:, Nine, No, Nobel, nominated, number, nusrat, Oath, objection, of, OLX, on, one, Online, opposition, over, Pakhtoonkhawah, pakistan, Pakistani, Pandora, Papa, park, part, party, paypal, Peace, peoples, pervaiz, PIA, Pillow, pinki, pinterest, pirni, pizza, PML N, PORN, pornhub, post, powerball, ppp, Prank, prime, prize, prostitutes, Provincial, pti, public, Punjab, putin, Qaisar, Rahat, raising, rates, raza, recent, Recently, red, reddit, reference, relation, reservations, reserved, Rida, Rings, Rishi, roblox, rozee, run, russia, Sadiq, said, Sarwar, Scholar, seat, seats, seatsZilhaj, seen, Session, sex, Shah, Shahid, SHAHZEB, shape, shares, Sharief, Sharma, sherazi, shopping, show, siddiqui, Silver, Sindh, smoothly, song, soundcloud, Southwest, speaker, speed, spotify, states, steam, stock, strengthen, sunday, Supreme, system, t-series, take, taking, talking, Target, Tehreek-e-Insaf, telephoned, test, that, the, their, thesaurus, third, to, tops, Total, tracking, traductor, translate, trude, Trudeau, trump, truth, turbotax, Tutorials, tutorships, TV, twitch, Twitter, two, ul-Azha, Umar, UNCHR, United, Ups, Urdu, usps, vacate, Verizon, visa, wait, Walgreens, wallstreet, walmart, want, wants, washington, we, weather, wells, whale, what, while, wife, will, with, women, wood, work, working, World, wrestlemania, WWE, xnxx, xvideos, Yahoo, you, YouTube,, Zaman, zillow, – اسلام آباد, اہم ترین, خبریں

اسلام آباد: سلام آباد میں بھی عید قربان کے لیے مویشی منڈی لگ گئی، لیکن گاہک نہ ہونے کے برابر ہیں۔ عیدالاضحیٰ پر اسلام آباد میں قربانی کے جانوروں کی منڈی کا آغاز، بڑی تعداد میں جانور تو موجود ہیں لیکن خریداروں کی تعداد بہت کم ہے جس کی وجہ سے بیوپاری پریشان ہیں۔ منڈی […]
By Web Editor on May 9, 2018 action, arrested, during, Gadoon, gang, IDs, livestock, members, millions, of, police, rupees, station, Swabi, thief, to, two, worth اہم ترین, خبریں, مقامی خبریں

صوابی تھانہ آئی ڈی ایس گدون پولیس کی کاروائی کے دوران لاکھوں روپوں مالیت کے مویشی چوری کرنے والا 2رکنی چور گروہ گرفتار۔ صوابی (اصغر علی مبارک) پولیس کا مویشی چور گروہ کیخلاف بھر پور کاروائی۔ لاکھوں روپوں مالیت کی آسٹریلین نسل گائے چوری کرنے والے گرو ہ کو دھر لیا گیا۔ مویشی برآمد دو […]
By MH Kazmi on June 9, 2017 animals, experts, export, livestock, pakistan, sacrificial, saudi, the, to اہم ترین, خبریں, کاروبار

سعودی عرب حج کے ایام میں آسٹریلیا، یمن ،صومالیہ اور دیگر ممالک سے انتہائی مہنگے داموں قربانی کے حلال جانور درآمد کرتا ہے۔ فیصل آباد: لائیو سٹاک اینڈ ڈیری ڈیولپمنٹ کے ماہرین نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان میں ڈیری فارمنگ اور لائیو سٹاک سیکٹر کی ترقی کے وسیع امکانات موجود ہیں جن سے استفادہ کرتے […]
By MH Kazmi on October 14, 2016 against, assembly, drugs, in, livestock, motions, Punjab, submit, the, to, use اچھی بات, اہم ترین, خبریں, مقامی خبریں, پنجاب

پاکستان تحریک انصاف نے جانوروں کی افزائش کے لیے اسٹیرائیڈزادویات کے استعمال کے خلاف پنجاب اسمبلی میں تحریک التواجمع کرائی ہے۔ تحریک انصاف کی رکن اسمبلی سعدیہ سہیل رانا نے جانوروں کیافزائش کے لیے اسٹیرائیڈزادویات کے استعمال کے خلاف تحریک التوا جمع کرائی ہے۔ تحریک التوا میں کہا گیا ہے کہ انسانوں کے بعد جانوروں […]